Short History of the Church Missionary Society

6 years ago

If you are looking for a history of the first century of the Church Missionary Society but don't have time…

Living Forces of the Gospel – a Psychological Study of Missions

6 years ago

This is the first psychological study of missions that I have come across in the books given to me by…

Works of Roland Allen Enter the Public Domain

6 years ago

9th June 2018 marks the 71st Anniversary of the death of Roland Allen, one the most influential missionary thinkers of…

Mending and Making: The Work of the Leprosy Mission

6 years ago

This profusely illustrated little book sets out to explain the work of the Mission to Lepers, now The Leprosy Mission.…

Spiritual Renewal and Advance in the Eighteenth Century by Arthur Skevington Wood

6 years ago

Arthur Skevington Wood's contribution to the Paternoster Church History series, The Inextinguishable Blaze: Spiritual Renewal and Advance in the Eighteenth…

A Mission Hospital at the Foot of Fish-Tail Mountain in Nepal

6 years ago

This little book is considered by the staff of the International Nepal Fellowship to be the most significant publication in…

Patterson’s in China – Two Generations of Mission

6 years ago

A few weeks ago the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide put me in touch with Robert G. Patterson in the…

Biography of Isabella Lilias Trotter, founder of the Algiers Mission Band

6 years ago

This is one of the standard biographies of Isabella Lilias Trotter (1853-1928), who was recently featured as part of the…

Story of the Mission to Lepers 1874-1917 by A. Donald Miller

6 years ago

"This book tells the story of forty-three years of compassionate service to leprosy sufferers. It begins in a drawing room…

First 100 Years of Protestant Missions in Japan

6 years ago

Protestant Christianity did not reach Japan until 1859, and during these 100 years the progress of the church has been…