Calabar and its Mission

7 years ago

Calabar is located in south southern Nigeria and was notable first as a centre for the West African slave trade…

Life and Labours of Carey, Marshman & Ward

7 years ago

The work of the three Serampore missionaries, William Carey [1791-1834], Joseph Marshman [1768-1837] and William Ward [1769-1823], spearheaded a new…

History of the Arabian Mission

7 years ago

The History of Arabian Missions is one of the most unusual books among the collection passed on to me for…

James Benjamin McCullagh: Missionary and Bible Translator

7 years ago

James Benjamin McCullagh [1854–1921] served with the Church Missionary Society in British Columbia. He is notable for his translation of…

Warneck’s Outline of a History of Protestant Missions

7 years ago

Gustav Warneck [1834-1910] provides an overview of Protestant missions from the Reformation to the end of the 19th Century. Part…

History of the Irish Presbyterian Mission to Manchuria

7 years ago

This book is a collection of articles about the work of the Irish Presbyterian Church in Manchuria, published on the…

Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier with Theodore Pennell

7 years ago

Theodore Leighton Pennell [1867-1912] was a medical missionary to the North West Frontier of what is today Pakistan. Writing in…

History of Society of Friends (Quaker) Missions

7 years ago

Henry T. Hodgkin [1877-1933] sets out here an overview of the Society of Friends involvement in Missions from the time…

William Lethaby – Missionary to Moab

7 years ago

William Lethaby [1837-1909] served a missionary at Kerak in what is now west central Jordan between 1886 and 1894, when…

George Grenfell of the Congo

7 years ago

George Grenfell [1849-1906] was a Baptist missionary who worked with Alfred Saker [1814-1880] in the Cameroon and later went on…