James Chalmers of New Guinea by William Robson

4 years ago

This is a biography of the famous missionary to the Cook Islands and Papua New Guinea (as they are now…

John Thomas, First Baptist Missionary to Bengal

4 years ago

Photo credit: Regent's Park College, University of Oxford Dr John Thomas [1757-1801] was a founding member of the Baptist Missionary…

Call from India to the Church of England: A Report

4 years ago

This report was issued in 1926 as a wake up call to the Church of England to focus attention on…

Stones of Fire by Isobel Kuhn

4 years ago

Frontispiece The "Stone of Fire" of the title are the Lisu people of the Tibetan plateau, amongst whom Isobel Kuhn…

Pioneering in the Congo by William Holman Bentley

4 years ago

William Holman Bentley was one of the first missionaries to serve with the Baptist Missionary Society in the Congo. He…

Future of Africa: A Missions Textbook by Donald Fraser

4 years ago

Religions of Africa, circa 1911 This text-book is the fifth in a series of textbooks issued conjointly by the leading…

Robert and Louisa Stewart, Missionaries to China

4 years ago

Robert & Louisa Stewart served in China's Fujian province with the Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.), where they developed a number…

Life Story of Isobel Kuhn – Carolyn Canfield

5 years ago

Isobel Kuhn and her husband were Canadian missionaries with the China Inland Mission. They worked among the Lisu People in…

Misi by Rev. Oscar Michelsen

5 years ago

Oscar Michelsen [1844-1936] was a Norwegian pioneer missionary in the islands of the New Hebrides (now Vanuata) in the Pacific…

History of the Free Baptist India Mission

5 years ago

This history of the Free Baptist India Mission was published by the Free Baptist Women's Missionary Society in Boston, Massachusetts…