Account of the Mission Tour of the Rev G.C. Grubb

5 years ago

A collection was made at the 1899 Keswick Convention which paid for a Special Mission tour by the Rev. G.C.…

Rusty Hinges. A Story of Closed Doors Opening in North-East Tibet

5 years ago

Frank Doggett Learner writes of his 22 years of service with the China Inland Mission in Tibet, noting indications of…

By the Equator’s Snowy Peak – Medical Mission in Kenya

5 years ago

This is the story of the medical mission work carried out by E. May Crawford and her husband in British…

Darjeeling Disaster – Triumph of the Six Lee Children

5 years ago

The Rev. D.H. & Ada Lee were missionaries in Darjeeling, India, together with their seven children. After five of her…

Story of the Police Court Mission 1876-1926

5 years ago

The Police Court Mission was a forerunner of the UK Probation Service that was founded in 1907, but its importance…

In China Now. China’s Need and the Christian Contribution

5 years ago

Written as a manual for missionaries arriving to begin work in China, it has sections intended for those serving as…

Robert Morrison – A Master Builder by Marshall Broomhall

5 years ago

A biography of the Presbyterian Missionary to Macao, Bible translator and Lexicographer Robert Morrison by the Editorial Secretary of the…

Stories and Surveys of Missionary Enterprise in India

5 years ago

As the title suggests, this is an overview of missionary work in India published about 1937. It features a large…

Pearls of the Pacific: Samoa and Other Islands of the South Seas

5 years ago

Victor Arnold Barradale wrote two books that drew on his three years of missionary service in Samoa. Both had very…

Press Release: Operation Mobilisation Archive

5 years ago

International missions archive to move to Leuven — On 19 October in Leuven, Belgium, Operation Mobilisation International (OM) will formally signify the transfer of the organisation’s…