
Biography of John Sung by Leslie T Lyall

Leslie T. Lyall, A Biography of John Sung. Flame for God in the Far East, 4th edn

John Sung was a Chinese evangelist. He travelled to the US, where he earned a Ph.D. from Ohio State University before studying theology at Union Theological Seminary. Ralph R. Covell, writing in the Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, notes that…

After his return to China in 1927, he engaged in widespread evangelism, teaching, and training throughout all of China and in most of the countries of the southeast Pacific. He did much of this work as a part of the Bethel Band, an indigenous revivalist organizatiion. Whereever he went, his work resulted in widespread conversions and in renewal of the church…

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This is the standard biography of this remarkable man, kindly provided by Book Aid for digitisation. This book is still in copyright, so I am grateful to OMF International-UK for granting permission to place it on-line.

Leslie T. Lyall, A Biography of John Sung. Flame for God in the Far East, 4th edn. London: China Inland Mission, 1954. Hbk. pp.204. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]


  • Foreword by John R.W. Stott
  • Preface
  • Preface to the 4th Edn.
  • Prologue
  1. Childhood, 1901-1909
  2. The Hinghwa Revival. 1909-1913
  3. The Little Pastor, 1913-1919
  4. Student Days in America, 1919-1923
  5. Inner Conflict, 1923-1926
  6. The Blinding Revelation, 1926-1927
  7. Into Arabia, 1927
  8. Beginning in Jerusalem, 1927-1930
  9. And in Samaria, 1930-1931
  10. A Night to be Remembered
  11. With Bethel in Manchuria, 1931
  12. With Bethel in South China, 1931-1932
  13. With Bethel in North China, 1932-1933
  14. Last Months with Bethel
  15. A Voice Crying, 1934-1935
  16. Not Without Honour
  17. The Lame Walk

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