
History of Moravian Missions

The Moravian Mission began with a visitation of the Holy Spirit on August 13th 1727. It sparked a 24/7 prayer…

8 years ago

Eclipse in Ethiopia and its Corona Glory

According to the publisher's summary on the inside front cover, this book... Tells of the experiences of missionaries of the Sudan Interior…

8 years ago

A New Era for India’s Outcastes

The Outcastes, or Dalits as they are now known, are excluded from the Hindu caste system. The terms "Untouchable" and…

8 years ago

Missionary Training Book on India from 1909

This book was written as a text book to provide information on the state of mission work in India. As…

8 years ago

Mary Slessor by Cuthbert McEvoy

Mary Slessor was recently featured in an on-line list of  six inspiring Christian missionaries, so I thought I would take a…

8 years ago

Roland Bateman, Missionary Bible Translator in the Punjab

Roland Bateman [1860-1916] served as a Bible translator in the Punjab. This book, written by a close friend in the Indian Civil…

8 years ago

Arthur Neve of Kashmir by A.P. Shepherd

The case of Kashmir illustrates well one of the problems one faces when in dividing the world according to modern…

8 years ago

Mary Bird in Persia by Clara C. Rice

I am pleased to be able to upload a biography of Mary Bird, who served the Lord in Persia -…

8 years ago

Egypt and Palestine – The Way of Partnership

This little book tells the story of the Church Missionary Society's work in Egypt and Palestine up to the early…

8 years ago

W. Wilson Cash’s The Changing Sudan

This book was written in the hope that it would encourage fresh support for missionary work in Sudan.  It is…

8 years ago