Story of Monorom, the Paddy Field Hospital in Thailand

6 years ago

The railway that runs hundreds.of miles up the Malayan Peninsula from Singapore to Bangkok proceeds from there to its destination…

Christianity in the Eastern Conflicts by William Paton

6 years ago

In preparation for the 1938 Oxford Conference on Christian Missions, William Paton the Secretary of International Missionary Council, embarked on…

London Society For Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jewish People

6 years ago

The evangelisation of the Jewish people continues to be a controversial area of Christian missions. The London Society For Promoting…

First Fifty Years of the Sudan United Mission

6 years ago

This is the official history of the first half-century of the Sudan United Mission from its founding in 1904 by…

Missions and Modern History by Robert E. Speer

6 years ago

Robert E. Speer sets out his threefold purpose in writing this history of 19th Century missions: To correct distortions of…

Snapshot of China and Chinese Missions from 1907

6 years ago

This is an extremely detailed province-by-province survey of Chinese life and the progress of Christian missions there up to 1907.…

By My Spirit by Jonathan Goforth

6 years ago

Jonathan Goforth [1859-1936] and his wife Rosalind [1864-1942] were Canadian Presbyterian Missionaries who were encouraged to serve in China by…

Richard Knill of St Petersburg

6 years ago

The Rev. Richard Knill [14 April 1787 – 2 January 1857] was a missionary with the London Missionary Society. He…

Mary Reed, Missionary to the Lepers

6 years ago

Mary Reed [1854-1943] was an American missionary to India. Diagnosed with leprosy herself in 1891, she took this to be…

Missions and the Minor Prophets – 6 Bible Studies

6 years ago

This little book presents a short series of Bible studies about what the minor prophets have to say about Christian…