Our Empire’s Debt to Missions by James N. Ogilvie

7 years ago

The relationship of the British Empire with Christian missions is a subject that is often discussed. Anyone tasked with an…

Life of Alexander Duff by George Smith

7 years ago

This is the third and slightly abridged edition of George Smith's 1879 biography of Alexander Duff, missionary to India. My…

George Smith’s 1887 Biography of William Carey

7 years ago

This is George Smith's biography of the Father of Modern Missions, William Carey. Smith devotes a significant part of the…

In Brigands’ Hands & Turkish Prisons – Archibald Forder

7 years ago

Archibald Forder [1863-1934] was a Pentecostal Missionary in Palestine. He wrote this account of his work there during his internment…

Between the Desert and the Sea by Isabelle Lilias Trotter

7 years ago

Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928] was a noted watercolour artist, who having attended several of the Keswick Conventions, became a missionary…

Henry Martyn of India and Persia by Jesse Page

7 years ago

Henry Martyn [1781-1812] was an English missionary who served as a Chaplain to the East India Company. He is remembered…

Life and Explorations of David Livingstone

7 years ago

This anonymous biography was published the year after David Livingstone's death. It was intended to provide a condensed account of…

Works of Alpheus Paget Wilkes [1871-1934]

7 years ago

When working on a project as large as Missiology.org.uk is is easy to be distracted from the main task in…

Christian Mission in Africa – The 1926 Le Zoute Missions Conference

7 years ago

Rather than produce the standard report of proceedings for the 1926 Missions Conference in Le Zoute, Belgium, Edwin Smith was…

Alexander Duff – Self Lost in Service

7 years ago

A biography of the noted missionary to India Alexander Duff written by his Grandson. My thanks to Redcliffe College for…