18th Century

History of Christian Missions Since the Reformation, 3 Vols. – William Brown

History of Christian Missions Since the Reformation, 3 Vols. – William Brown

Today's free book is William Brown's massive 3 Volume set on the history of Christian missions since the Reformation. What…

1 year ago

History of Missions in India by Julius Richter

Today's free book is a history of missionary work in India from the First to the Twentieth Century by Julius…

3 years ago

History of Anglican Missions in North India

This is a brief history of the work of Anglican missions in North India up to around 1908. My thanks…

5 years ago

Short Introduction to Christian Missions by Eugene Stock

Eugene Stock, who also wrote the massive 4-volume History of the Church Missionary Society, provides a brief - but nonetheless…

5 years ago

History of Protestant Missions in India from 1706 to 1881

This would appear to be a very significant work for those interested in early missionary work in India. It covers…

6 years ago