Carey, William

Apostles of India by J N Ogilvie

Apostles of India by J N Ogilvie

Today's free book is James Nicoll Ogilvie's 1915 Baird Lecture series on the Apostles of India, which surveys some of…

3 years ago

New Book on the Serampore Mission

The Rev Dr Johnson Thomaskutty, my friend at Serampore College, India, has asked me to publicise a significant new book…

5 years ago

Deaville Walker’s Biography of William Carey

Walker's biography of the great missionary pioneer William Carey [1761-1834] is based on the older works by J.C. Marshman (1859)…

6 years ago

Missions in India from AD 193-1893 by George Smith

George Smith sets out to provide a history of Christian Missions in India from the time of Pantaenus (one of…

7 years ago

George Smith’s 1887 Biography of William Carey

This is George Smith's biography of the Father of Modern Missions, William Carey. Smith devotes a significant part of the…

7 years ago

William Carey: A Biography (1853)

Joseph Belcher's 1853 biography of William Carey was intended to be a more attractive, concise and readable work than that…

7 years ago

Yarns on Heroes of India

Yarns on India is a collection of inspiration talks intended for 12-16 year old boys attending Boys' Brigade meetings. It…

7 years ago

William Carey Pioneer Missionary to India’s Millions

John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915] provides us with a brief biography of William Carey - "The Founder of Modern Missions". The…

7 years ago

George Smith’s Short History of Christian Missions

George Smith's Short History of Christian Missions provides an overview of Missions from Abraham up to 1901. The treatments are necessarily…

8 years ago

William Carey’s Enquiry on-line

William Carey's Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians... is probably one of the most influential documents in the history of…

8 years ago