
200 Years of Moravian Missions 1732-1932

The Advance Guard. 200 Years of Moravian Missions 1732-1932This little book summarises 200 years of Moravian missions as they spread to the four corners of the world. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing the original copy to scan. This book is in the public domain.

Anonymous, The Advance Guard. 200 Years of Moravian Missions 1732-1932. London: Moravian Book Room, n.d. Hbk. pp.93.[Click to download complete book in PDF]


Part I – Zinzendorf and Spangenberg

The Send-Off
The West Indies
Gens Aeterna
Greenland and Labrador
The North American Indians
Missionary Ventures
The Leaders
The Missionaries
The Home Church
The Missionary Hymn

Part II – From Spangenberg Till Now

1. The New Movement
2. A Fresh Start in South Africa
3. The Centenary
4. The Freedman
5. Progress in South Africa
6. The Eskimo
7. New Branches on the Old Tree:

a. Nicaragua
b. California
c. Australia
d. Tibet
e. East Africa

8. The War
9. Rebuilding and Alterations


When it was known what literary provision was being made for the Bicentenary of Moravian Missions, it seemed useless to attempt an independent history in English. Among the volumes announced was one by Bishop Baudert, D.D., bearing the title, “Auf der Hut des Herrn” (On the Lord’8 Watch). Bishop Baudert’s book, if adapted to the requirements of the average reader, was just what was needed. When the translator asked permission to treat it freely for this purpose the request was willingly granted. The original has been shortened, and some passages have been altered where knowledge was assumed which the English reader cannot be expected to possess unless he has an intimate acquaintance with the subject treated of. The prologue and the second chapter have been inserted to help those who have no other history at hand. In spite of these changes, the character of the book remains the same, and the translator has tried to give, not only the sense, but also the tone of his friend’s words. They are worthy to be heard by the whole Church, and not only by a part, when it listens to those who tell the story of the past and point the moral for to-day and to-morrow. [Continue reading]


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