
Alexander Mackay -The Christian Hero of Uganda

Alexander Mackay. The Christian Hero of UgandaThis short biography of Alexander Mackey [1849-1890] is one of Paternoster Press’s “Memoir Series of Might Men and Women”. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy of this book for digitisation. This title is in the public domain.

James Joseph Ellis {1853-?], Alexander Mackay. The Christian Hero of Uganda, revised & enlarged by Esthme Ethelind Enock [1874-1947]. London: Pickering & Inglis Ltd., [1938]. Hbk. pp.95. [Click here to visit the download page]


  1. The Boy
  2. A Mother’s Prayer Answered
  3. A Letter
  4. Mackay Begins Road-Making
  5. A Rush Up to the Lake
  6. Entebbe and Uganda at Last
  7. Mackay Meets King Mtesa
  8. Mtesa’s Difficulties
  9. Arab, Priest, and Witch
  10. “The Graphic,” The Plague, and the Cart
  11. Twlce Born-Twice Dead
  12. The Passing of King Mtes
  13. Under Mwanga’s Rule
  14. The Journey Done

Chapter 1: The Boy

October 13th, 1849, in the village of Rhynie,  near Aberdeen, a little boy was born. He was Alexander Mackay, whose life was so closely interwoven with African Missions, ·and who, later, was known as Mackay of the Great Lake-Victoria Nyanza.

At the time of his birth it was bitterly cold and snowy in the windswept valley at the foot of those stem Scottish hills.

Rhynie lies in the beautiful level below Tap O’ Noth. Alec’s father was minister of Rhynie Free Church. The rugged-looking little house in wh:ch Alexander Mackay was born is still standing, an object of great interest to those who revere the intrepid preachers of the Gospel among the heathen.

In 1851 the new Free Church was building close to the Manse, and the little boy was busy every day with trowel and mortar, among the stones. The workmen loved to have him there….

Click here for more material on Alexander Mackay


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