Pioneering for Christ in the Sudan – Johanna Veenstra

7 years ago

Johanna Veenstra tells the story of her life of service in Africa. Note that Sudan at that time referred to…

Missions in South America From Cape Horn to Panama

7 years ago

This is an official record of work undertaken by the South American Missionary Society up to 1905, beginning with an…

History of Christianity in Japan

7 years ago

This book is a history of the growth of the church in Japan, focusing on the work of the Society…

Church Planting in Madagascar

7 years ago

William Kendall Gale [1873-1935], who served with the London Missionary Society (LMS), was well qualified to write on the subject…

Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa

7 years ago

David Livingstone [1813-1873], pioneer medical missionary and explorer is probably the best known of Victorian missionaries. This biography is a…

Missionary Joys in Japan – Paget Wilkes

7 years ago

Paget Wilkes [1871-1934] was one of the co-founders of the Japan Evangelistic Band in 1903. This book contains extracts from…

Missionary Heroes of Africa – a Book for Children

7 years ago

Sarah Stock's book for children on the Missionary Heroes of Africa provides a summary of the lives of many of…

Sixty Years of Ministry to Lepers

7 years ago

The Mission to Lepers - later known as The Leprosy Mission - was founded by Wellesley C Bailey. This book,…

History of Christian Missions in Egypt

7 years ago

Despite its somewhat unfortunate title, this book provides a helpful overview of Christian missions in Egypt before focusing on the…

Karl Kumm’s Social and Natural History of the Sudan

7 years ago

To understand this book you will need to forget the borders of the modern nation of Sudan because, as the…