
Biography of Daniel Mtusu by Donald Fraser

Daniel Mtusu (frontispiece)

This biography of Malawian Christian Daniel Mtusa was written by Donald Fraser, based on Mtusu’s own account of his life. My thanks to Redcliffe College for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation.

Donald Fraser [1870-1933], The Autobiography of an African. Retold in Biographical Form & in the Wild African Setting of the Life of Daniel Mtusu. London: Seeley, Service & Co Ltd., 1925. Hbk. pp.210. [Click to visit the download page for this title]


  1. The Red Land and the Red Chief
  2. The Child
  3. The Herd-Lad
  4. The House-Boy
  5. The Contest
  6. War
  7. Restless Desires
  8. Discussions
  9. The Decision
  10. The Baptism
  11. The Witness
  12. A Shameful Assault
  13. Citizenship
  14. Adventures
  15. The Teacher
  16. Pioneering
  17. Beulah Land
  18. A Filibuster
  19. An Adventorous Journey
  20. Tempting Offers
  21. A Village Flitting
  22. The Evangelist
  23. Perils of the Way
  24. The Preacher
  25. His Character
  26. His Death
  • Author’s Note

Author’s Note

A few years ago I asked Daniel Mtusu, the subject of this book, to write for roe an account of his life. He had completed it to a period a little beyond the time of his baptism, and was contemplating a further instalment when he died. His friend, the Rev. Andrew Mkochi, completed the story for me. I have rewritten in English what they have told me in their own language, and have added a certain amount of background to their pictures, so as to make them more intelligible to readers at home. I have followed throughout their account of events, and especially Daniel’s own story of his youth and mental awakening.

My thanks are due to Rev. Charles Stuart, Miss Genner and to my wife for revising what I have written, and for many valuable suggestions. Rev. Alex. A. Russell has most kindly seen the book through the press, a work which I could not do personally, as I am in Nyasaland and my publisher in London…

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