South Africa

Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat

Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat

Today's free book is a biography of the missionaries Robert & Mary Moffat, written by their son, John. This public…

1 year ago

Captain Allen Gardiner of Patagonia

Today's free book is a biography of Captain Allen Gardiner, whose work led to the founding of the South American…

3 years ago

Some London Missionary Society Pioneers of 1816

This book contains brief biographical sketches of five missionaries who served with the London Missionary Society: Robert Moffat (South Africa);…

4 years ago

Account of the Mission Tour of the Rev G.C. Grubb

A collection was made at the 1899 Keswick Convention which paid for a Special Mission tour by the Rev. G.C.…

5 years ago

Robben Island. Thirty-Four Years of Ministry Amongst the Lepers of South Africa

Robben Island, located in Table Bay, South Africa, was used from the 17th Century on as a prison, an animal…

5 years ago

Missionary Journey in Africa and Madagascar

F.H. Hawkins [1863-1936] was the Foreign Secretary of the London Missionary Society (LMS). This book records his tour through southern…

7 years ago

Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa

David Livingstone [1813-1873], pioneer medical missionary and explorer is probably the best known of Victorian missionaries. This biography is a…

7 years ago

Thomas Cook’s Mission Tour of South Africa

This is Rev Thomas Cook's own account of his mission tour of South Africa in the 1920s. My thanks to…

8 years ago

Life and Labours of Robert Moffat by William Walters

Another biography of Robert Moffat to add to the resources listed here. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me…

8 years ago

History of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel

The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (S.P.G) was founded in 1701 as an overseas missionary…

8 years ago