Categories: Missions

History of Christian Missions in Egypt

Charles R. Watson [1873-1948], Egypt and the Christian CrusDespite its somewhat unfortunate title, this book provides a helpful overview of Christian missions in Egypt before focusing on the work of the Presbyterian Church of North America. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy to digitise. This book is now in the public domain.

Charles R. Watson [1873-1948], Egypt and the Christian Crusade. Philadelphia, PA: The Board of Foreign Missions of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 1907. Hbk. pp.288. [Click to download complete book in PDF]



  1. The Country
  2. The People
  3. History
  4. Religions
  5. Early Missionary Efforts
  6. United Presbyterian Mission
  7. Recently Missionary Work
  8. Mission Agencies
  9. Final Victory

Appendix I. Population
II. Occupations
III. Rules for Pronunciation and Spelling
IV. Statistics of Protestant Missions
V. Statistics of American Mission



To write another book on Egypt, may seem venturesome when there are already in existence whole libraries dealing with the history of the country, its monuments, and its ancient religions; its present political condition, its people and their customs; not to speak of countless books of travel, recording the passing impressions of tourists who have spent from two weeks to two winters in the Nile Valley. It may seem especially daring to attempt to write another book, when in that book it is proposed to touch, though ever so briefly, on most of these great subjects and at the same time to limit the volume to less than three hundred pages.

Yet the justification for another book on Egypt can be found in two directions. In the first place, the very multiplicity of books on Egypt, dealing with special interests in that most interesting country, leaves room for a hand- book which shall undertake to give a comprehensive, if not a profound, view of the country and its people, without allowing that description to develop into a large volume. [Continue reading]


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