
Missionary Training Book on India from 1909

Surendra Kumar Datta, The Desire of IndiaThis book was written as a text book to provide information on the state of mission work in India. As such it provides an useful historical summary of the growth of the church in that country prior to World War I.

The PDF is larger than usual because the book contains some superb greyscale photographs and a colour map which I wanted to make available in a high-quality format.

Surendra Kumar Datta, The Desire of India. London: Church Missionary Society, 1909. Hbk. pp.320.  [Download complete book in PDF]

Reproduced by kind permission of the Church Missionary Society.


Editorial Note
Author’s Preface
Note on Pronunciation

1 – The Land and its Inhabitants
2 – The Life of the People
3 – India’s Search
4 – India’s Invaders
5 – Christianity in India
6 – Problems and Methods
7 – The Indian Church
8 – The Need of India

Chart of Indian History

The Desire Of India

Chapter I

The Land and Its Inhabitants

For centuries Western nations have looked The Wealth of upon India as a land of marvellous wealth, India and the splendours of her kings have seemed beyond the power of imagination. It was the story of India’s wealth that sent Columbus · in quest of the Western route when he discovered America. It was this story that excited the cupidity of Europe, and led to the establishment of British rule in India. Closer investigation has revealed how disappointing have been these dreams of riches. India’s material resources do not approach those of China, and it is questionable whether her people have the capacity to develop them with the vigour and energy of the European and Mongolian races. India’s wealth lies in her people. Their spiritual genius and their religious instincts are her best and most precious treasure. Her greatest sons have ever been possessed with a passion to know the Real and the Infinite, and have pursued it with earnestness of purpose. Their children have entered into a heritage of spiritual capacities and ideals, the development of which may mean the enriching of the world. [Continue reading]


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