
Garenganze – or Seven Years Pioneer Mission Work in Central Africa

Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914], Garenganze; or, Seven Years Pioneer Mission Work in Central Africa, 3rd edn.Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914] is remembered for his pioneering missionary work in Angola, Zambia, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo among the Garenganze people. He also did much during his furloughs in England both to recruit new workers and to ensure their support. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy of the book to scan. This title is in the public domain.

Frederick Stanley Arnot [1858-1914], Garenganze; or, Seven Years Pioneer Mission Work in Central Africa, 3rd edn. London: James E. Hawkins, [1889]. Hbk. pp.276. [Click to download complete book in PDF]


Introduction by A.T. Pierson, of Philadelphia

  1. On the Way to the Zambesi
  2. Among the Barotze
  3. From the Zambesi to Benguella
  4. From Benguella to Garenganze
  5. Stay at Garenhanze
  6. The Garenganze Kingdom and People
  7. Return Journey


Mr Arnot’s Fellow-laborers
M. Coillard’s Labours in the Barotse Valley
Lake Bangweolo and Surrounding Country –
Dr. Livingstone’s Description
M. Giraud’s

Map of West Central Africa

Introduction by A.T. Pierson

This story of seven years of pioneer mission work in the heart of the Dark Continent is another fulfilment of that sagacious prediction of Victor Hugo, that in the twentieth century Africa is to be the cynosure of all eyes.

Mr. Arnot has given us no ambitious narrative. It is, in the etymological sense, homely, for it is a son’s letter to his mother and the home group; and it is a story of strictly pioneer work, for he undertook to cross the continent on foot. The journey, undertaken in an apostolic spirit, was marked by that savour of the supernatural which is so sweet to a believer; as when, for example, in a terrible thunderstorm, an electric ball fell crashing at his feet with the sound and shock of a cannon’s shot, and yet left him unharmed; or, as when, in repeated instances, food and water were found to relieve extreme hunger and thirst just at the crisis when the believing prayer had been offered. [Continue reading]


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