
History of Moravian Missions

J.E. Hutton [1838-1937], A History of Moravian MissionsThe Moravian Mission began with a visitation of the Holy Spirit on August 13th 1727. It sparked a 24/7 prayer meeting that lasted or a hundred years and was responsible for sending more that half of the Protestant overseas missionary of the eighteenth century. As no study of missions could be complete without a reference to Count Zinzendorf and the fellowship at Herrnhut (the “Lord Watch”) I am very pleased to be able to upload the official Moravian account of its history.

J.E. Hutton [1838-1937], A History of Moravian Missions. London: Moravian Publication Office, n.d. Hbk. pp.550. [Click to download in PDF]

This book is in the public domain.

Book I. The Eighteenth Century Pioneers, 1700-1800

  1. The Dreamer, 1700-81
  2. The Voice in the Night, 1781-2
  3. The Danish West Indies, 1786-82
  4. The British West Indies, 1754-1800
  5. Greenland, 1788-74
  6. The North American Indians, 1784-1808
  7. The South American Indians, 1785-1808
  8. The Bush Negroes of Surinam, 1765-1818
  9. South Africa: The Hottentots, 1786-44
  10. Labrador, 1752-1804
  11. The Jews, 1788-42
  12. The Flying Scouts, 1784-1822
  13. Zinzendorf as Missionary Leader, 1781-60
  14. The Count’s Successors, 1760-1800

Book II. The Builders, 1800-1914

  1. Jamaica; or West Indies; Western Province, 1805-1914
  2. The West Indies; Eastern Province, 1800-1914
  3. Greenland, 1800-1900
  4. The North American Indians, 1808-1901
  5. Surinam, 1800-1914
  6. South Africa, West; or the Hottentots, 1792-1914
  7. South Africa, East; Or the Kaffirs, 1818-1914
  8. Labrador, 1804-1914

Book III. The Modern Advance, 1848-1914

  1. Nicaragua, 1849·1914
  2. Victoria, 1849-1905
  3. Western Tibet, 1853-1914
  4. The Leper Home at Jerusalem, 1867-1914
  5. Demerara, 1878-1914.
  6. Alaska, 1885-1914
  7. California, 1889·1914
  8. North Queensland, 1891-1914
  9. East Central Africa: Nyassa, 1891-1914
  10. East Central Africa: Unyamwezi, 1898-1914

Book IV. Methods, Measures and Ideals

  1. The System of Government
  2. The Work of the Synods, 1760-1909
  3. The Synod of 1914; Or, Moravian Missionary Ideals Epilogue: By Bishop Arthur Ward




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