Categories: Missions

Lomai of Lenakel – Hero of the New Hebrides

Frank H.L. Paton [1870-1938], Lomai of Lenakel. A Hero of the New Hebrides. A Fresh Chapter in the Triumph of the GospelFrank H.L. Paton tells the story of Lomai of Lenakel, evangelist to the New Hebrides (modern day Vanuatu). My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy to scan. This volume is in the Public Domain.

Frank H.L. Paton [1870-1938], Lomai of Lenakel. A Hero of the New Hebrides. A Fresh Chapter in the Triumph of the Gospel. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1903. Hbk. pp.315. [Download complete book in PDF]


  1. Landing Among Savages
  2. Feeling our Way
  3. Progress and Opposition
  4. Exploring and Preaching
  5. Recruiting Troubles
  6. Our First Christmas on Tanna
  7. To Aniwa and Back
  8. Clothed and in His Right Mind
  9. The Spirit Working
  10. Decision For Christ
  11. Among the Iounmene
  12. Battling With Heathenism
  13. Gaining Ground
  14. Sunshine and Shadow
  15. First-Fruits
  16. Back to Tanna
  17. Aniwa Once More
  18. Reinforcements
  19. Beginnings of a Native Ministry
  20. Numanian the Martyr
  21. Our Fourth Christmas (1899)
  22. The Raging of the Heathen
  23. The Fellowship of Suffering
  24. Lomai and Iavis Ordained as Elders
  25. Our Fifth Christmas
  26. Letters From the Natives
  27. Back to Tanna Once More
  28. The Horrors of War
  29. Memorable Scenes
  30. Farewell To Tanna

Chapter 1: Landing Among Savages

Towards dark on the 12th of May 1896, the little Dayspring weighed anchor at Futuna, and steamed away for Tanna. After evening worship we gathered on the deck, our hearts full of thoughts of the morrow. Futuna gradually faded into the darkness behind us, while far before us a dull red glow from the volcano marked the south-east point of Tanna. A solemn hush fell upon us, and Mr Smaill of Epi proposed that we should have a time of special prayer for Tanna and the work of the coming day. It was a quiet and helpful hour as we laid all our hopes and fears and plans before Him in whose name we were going forth. We all felt that God was very near to us that night on the deck of our little ship, and we felt that He would enable us to do and endure anything.

At daylight we anchored off Port Resolution, where Turner and Nisbet landed so long ago, and where my father worked until he was driven out by the fury of the savages. Here we picked up Mr Watt, who has so heroically done battle with the Heathenism of Tanna; and then we steamed on along the south coast to Kwamera, the early home of Mr and Mrs Watt. We did not stay long here, but pressed on up the west coast. The scenery was lovely: now a white fringe of sand, now a bold and rocky headland, and always a background of magnificent mountains clothed to the very top with luxuriant vegetation. [Continue reading]


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