Categories: JapanMissions

Missionary Joys in Japan – Paget Wilkes

Paget Wilkes [1871-1934], Missionary Joys in Japan or Leaves From My Journal. Paget Wilkes [1871-1934] was one of the co-founders of the Japan Evangelistic Band in 1903. This book contains extracts from his diary from his tour of Japan in 1910. According to Wikipedia:

The work of the JEB… has led to the establishment of the Kansai Bible College in Kobe and over 150 churches in Japan.

My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a copy of this book to scan. This book is now in the public domain.

Paget Wilkes [1871-1934], Missionary Joys in Japan or Leaves From My Journal. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1913. Hbk. pp.321. [Click to download complete book in PDF]



  1. London to Japan
  2. Floods
  3. More Floods
  4. “Life in the Lost”
  5. Country Missions
  6. A Peep into the Factories
  7. A Tour South
  8. A Visit to Korea
  9. At a Japanese Exhibition
  10. Here and There
  11. Sunshine and Shadow
  12. With the Children
  13. More Country Missions
  14. A Tour North
  15. A Glimpse of Difficulties
  16. Light and Darkness
  17. Higher Criticism and the Mission Field


During some fifteen years of missionary life in Japan, I have sent home letter-leaves from my Journal.

Friends have urged me to give them a wider circulation; and so after much misgiving I have consented, hoping that my readers will remember the haste in which they have been written. This volume, then, is a journal describing the work of a commonplace missionary; the line of service resembles what is known in England as that of a Special Missioner.

I have endeavoured to select incidents representing a variety of Christian activities, though all of an evangelistic order- Open-air Preaching, Tent Meetings at Exhibitions, Conventions for the deepening of Spiritual Life, Missions at Schools, Country Itinerating, Personal Dealing, and Testimonies of Salvation from all sorts and conditions of men. I ought perhaps to say a word about the insertion of the verses which preface each chapter.  [Continue reading]


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