
Pioneering In Morocco by Robert Kerr

This book is the personal account of Robert Kerr’s seven years (1886-1892) as a medical doctor in Morocco. The copy I have scanned has an interesting provenance, having once been part of the North Africa Mission library in Rabat before being placed in Redcliffe College library. At some point it was liberally soaked in red wine, so it took some time to remove the stains from the images! However, given that there are few book available on mission work in Morocco I am sure that this was time well spent. The book is now in the public domain.

Robert Kerr [?-1918], Pioneering in Morocco. A Record of Seven Years’ Medical Mission Work in the Palace and the Hut. London: H.R. Allenson, n.d. Hbk. pp.251. [Download complete book in PDF]



  1. First Year (1886)
  2. Second Year (1887)
  3. Third Year (1888)
  4. Fourth Year (1889)
  5. Fifth Year (1890)
  6. Sixth Year (1891)
  7. Seventh Year (1892)


The nature of this book is explained in the title. These notes from my diary were never intended for publication, although most of the book has appeared, in one form or another, in the Presbyterian Messenger”.

Missionary enterprise in Morocco must always be twofold, as we have to combat with Mohammedanism and Judaism.

In a country where there is no security to life or property our work is necessarily fraught with many difficulties. At present the country is but partially opened; yet, with a knowledge-of medicine, however small, access can be gained to many homes and hearts, which would be otherwise impossible. Nevertheless we have formidable opponents in the Moorish government, and a class of fanatics, called shereefs, supposed to be in the direct lineage of the Prophet. But as the Lord said unto Zerubbabel, so says He 1;1nto us: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts” (Zech. iv. 6). “If God be for us, who can be against us” (Rom. viii. 31).

Some writers speak of the benign influence which Mohammedanism exerts over its followers; but during a close observance of seven years I have failed to see it. The Koran is at variance with every fundamental truth in· the gospel, and Islam can only be called a vindictive and licentious religion.

Vindictive as its precepts are – “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth” – the Koran contains no precept which enjoins its followers to “love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, bless them that curse you and pray ·for them which despitefully use you” (Luke vi. 27, 28). [Continue Reading]


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