Judson, Sarah Boardman

Sarah Hall (Boardman) Judson’s Biography

Emily Chubbock [1818-1854] (pen-name Fanny Forester)
Photograph public domain. Source: Wikipedia
Sarah Hall married George Boardman in 1824, a week before departing for Burma as missionaries. George died in 1831 and Sarah married fellow missionary Adoniram Judson [1788-1850] three years later. Following her death in 1844 Judson returned to the US where he commissioned the novelist Emily Chubbock [1818-1854] (pen-name Fanny Forester) to write Sarah’s biography. Judson subsequently married Emily and they returned to Burma together.

My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a copy of this book for digitisation. This work is in public domain.

Fanny Forester (a.k.a. Emily Chubbock Judson), Memoir of Sarah B. Judson, Member of the Mission to Burmah. London: Aylott & Jones, 1849. pp.179. [Click to download complete book in PDF]


Introductory Notice

  1. Early Days
  2. A New Life
  3. The Consecration
  4. Contrasts
  5. Maulmain
  6. Tavoy
  7. Little Sarah
  8. The Revolt
  9. Withering and Watching
  10. “Death in the Jungle”
  11. The Female Missionary
  12. A New Home
  13. The Mother and Child
  14. Trial on Trial
  15. The Christian’s Death

Introductory Notice

The authoress of this beautiful biographical production is now labouring as a missionary in the Burman Empire. She has succeeded to the toils, as well as to the sacred relations, of the lady whose sufferings and labours for Christ she has so graphically depicted.

Under the graceful pseudonyme of Fanny Forester, Miss Emily C. Chubbuck has for some years held a high place amid the literary circles of America. She is a native of the State of New York. Highly educated and accomplished, her first productions were written while a teacher in a female seminary in Utica, and at once attracted attention and admiration. Early in 1844, while on a visit to the city of New York, she became a contributor to the pages of the New York Mirror. The sketches, essays, and poems which appeared in its pages, were, two a years afterwards, when she was on the eve of sailing for Burmah, reprinted under the title of ‘Alderbrooke.’

On his return to America in 1846, after laying to rest his beloved partner and companion, the subject of this memoir, on the rocky isle of St. Helena, Dr. Judson sought out Miss Chubbuck, then at Philadelphia for her heath, to request the employment of her pen on the narrative of the life’s history of Mrs. Judson.  [Continue reading]


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