The prime object of this brief manual of information in reference to the operations of the Wesleyan Missionary Society is to present as clearly, and in as small a compass as. possible, a simple statement of the principal facts and incidents connected with the commencement, progress and present state of the work in various parts of the world. To make the work as complete as possible the author has spared no pains or labour. He has carefully read and studied all the communications of the missionaries which have been published from the beginning; as well as some valuable manuscripts preserved at the Mission House which have been placed at his disposal. The information gleaned from these interesting records and from scores of separate volumes on different branches of our missions, has been carefully tabulated, analysed and used as occasion required, after being tested by the writer’s personal experience and observation during the past fifty years, whilst occupying some of the Society’s principal stations in Africa and the West Indies.
There may nevertheless be some mistakes as to dates, names of persons and places, &c., and the author will feel much obliged by any suggestions, corrections, or emendations which his friends and brethren may be pleased to communicate to ·him for adoption in a new edition, so far as space may permit; for this ‘Hand-book’ is not intended to supersede the general ‘History of Wesleyan Missions,’ but to serve as an introduction to it, and as a useful companion to the Society’s ‘Annual Reports’ and monthly ‘Notices,’ thereby enabling Sunday-school teachers, local preachers, ministers and others to plead the mission cause with greater efficiency and success. [Continue reading]
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