Thomas J. Comber – Missionary Pioneer to the Congo

John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915], Thomas J. Comber. Missionary Pioneer to the CongoThomas J. Comber [1844/45-1915] was a missionary pioneer and leader of the Baptist Missionary Society work in the Congo. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with a copy of the book to scan. This title is in the Public Domain.

John Brown Myers [1844/45-1915], Thomas J. Comber. Missionary Pioneer to the Congo. London: S.W. Partridge & Co., [1889?]. Hbk. pp.160. [Click to download complete book in PDF]


  1. His Boyhood
  2. His College Life
  3. The Children’s Services at Camden Road
  4. Accepted by the Baptist Missionary Society and Sent Forth to Western Africa
  5. Victoria and Cameroons
  6. Pioneering Expedition to San Salvador, Congo Land
  7. His First Return to England
  8. Events and Proceedings Previous to Reaching Stanley Pool
  9. Events and Proceedings, Continued, Previous t to Reaching Stanley Pool
  10. Life and Labours, Mainly on the Upper Congo
  11. Home Once More, and Return to Africa
  12. Conclusion


The name of Thomas Comber is widely known amongst the friends of Christian Missions to the heathen. Many of those who knew him personally have intimated their desire for a memorial record of his life and labours. There are, however, more general considerations which make such a record appropriate. Mr. Comber was one of two-Mr. Grenfell being the other-who were the first missionary pioneers to enter Congo country. From that entrance until his death, he was the acknowledged leader of the Mission he thus helped to originate. And when the “Dark Continent” shall be no longer dark, but shall have become “light in the Lord,” it may be that African Christians will gratefully recount his-services on behalf of their land, and “glorify God in him.”

It will be remembered that the character of this volume necessarily excludes any general reference to the various societies having missionary operations in Africa ; and, indeed, does not even admit of more than a passing allusion, it may be, to some of those associated with Mr. Comber, and who, with a like-minded consecration, served the Divine Master.

Amongst his many gifts Mr. Camber had special skill in epistolary composition. He wrote many letters, and knew well how to write them. Nearly all of those inserted have hitherto been unpublished. [Continue reading]


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