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The Bells of Moulton. The Story of the Baptist Missionary Society for Young People
William Edward Cule [1870-1944]

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Book Description

The Bells of Moulton. The Story of the Baptist Missionary Society for Young People
Publication Year:
The Carey Press
Christian Mission, India, Baptist Missionary Society
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William Edward Cule [1870-1944], The Bells of Moulton. The Story of the Baptist Missionary Society for Young People


  1. What Do the Bells of Moulton Say?
  2. The Garden of Gospel Inn
  3. And Here I am at Serempore
  4. The Three Men of Serampore
  5. Brother Carey Goes Out From Serampore
  6. Men of the Great Succession
  7. Brother Carey Goes to China
  8. The Dream in the Heart of Africa
  9. Some Helpers, a Question, and the Carey Tree
  10. Brother Carey Sets a Light on Every Hill
  11. What the Bells of Moulton Say
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