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The Bible in Spain; or, The Journeys of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Penisula with the Notes and Glossary of Ulick Ralph Burke [1845-1895] with Etchings. Photoravature, and Map
George Henry Borrow [1803–1881]

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Book Description

The Bible in Spain; or, The Journeys of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Penisula with the Notes and Glossary of Ulick Ralph Burke [1845-1895] with Etchings. Photoravature, and Map
Publication Year:
John Murray
Christian Missions, Spain, Portugal
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
George Henry Borrow [1803–1881], The Bible in Spain; or, The Journeys of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Penisula with the Notes and Glossary of Ulick Ralph Burke [1845-1895] with Etchings. Photoravature, and Map


  • Preface
  • Introduction by the Editors
  1. Man overboard—The Tagus—Foreign Languages—Gesticulation—Streets of Lisbon—The Aqueduct—Bible tolerated in Portugal—Cintra—Don Sebastian—John de Castro—Conversation with a Priest—Colhares—Mafra— Its Palace—The Schoolmaster—The Portuguese—Their Ignorance of Scripture—Rural Priesthood—The Alemtejo
  2. Boatmen of the Tagus—Dangers of the Stream—Aldea Gallega—The Hostelry—Robbers—Sabocha—Adventure of a Muleteer—Estalagem de Ladrôes—Don Geronimo—Vendas Novas—Royal Residence—Swine of the Alemtejo—Monte Moro—Swayne Vonved—Singular Goatherd—Children of the Fields—lnfidels and Sadducees
  3. Shopkeeper at Evora—Spanish Contrabandists—Lion and Unicorn—The Fountain—Trust in the Almighty—Distribution of Tracts—Library at Evora—Manuscript—The Bible as a Guide—The Infamous Mary—The Man of Palmella—The Charm—The Monkish System—Sunday—Volney—An Auto-da-Fé—Men from Spain—Reading of a Tract—New Arrival—The Herb Rosemary
  4. Vexatious Delays—Drunken Driver—The Murdered Mule—The Lamentation—Adventure on the Heath—Fear of
    Darkness—Portuguese Fidalgo—The Escort—Return to Lisbon
  5. The College—The Rector—Shibboleth—National Prejudices—Youthful Sports—Jews of Lisbon—Bad Faith—Crime and Superstition
  6. Cold of Portugal—Extortion prevented—Sensation of Loneliness—The Dog—The Convent—Enchanting Landscape—Moorish Fortresses—Prayer for the Sick
  7. The Druid's Stone—The Young Spaniard—Ruffianly Soldiers—Evils of War—Estremoz—The Brawl—Ruined
    Watch-tower—Glimpse of Spain—Old Times and New
  8. Elvas—Extraordinary Longevity—The English Nation—Portuguese Ingratitude—Illiberality—Fortifications—Spanish Beggar—Badajoz—The Custom-House
  9. Badajoz—Antonio the Gypsy—Antonio's Proposal—The Proposal accepted—Gypsy Breakfast—Departure from Badajoz—The Gypsy Donkey—Merida—The Ruined Wall—The Crone—The Land of the Moor—The Black Men—Life in the Desert—The Supper
  10. The Gypsy's Granddaughter—Proposed Marriage—The Alguazil—The Assault—SpeedyTrot—Arrival at Trujillo—Night and Rain—The Forest—The Bivouac—Mount and Away?—Jaraicejo—The National—The Cavalier Balmerson—Among the Thickets—Serious Discourse—What is Truth?—Unexpected Intelligence
  11. The Pass of Mirabete—Wolves and Shepherds—Female Subtlety—Death by Wolves—The Mystery solved—The Mountains—The Dark Hour—The Traveller of the Night—Abarbenel—Hoarded Treasure—Force of Gold—The Archbishop—Arrival at Madrid
  12. Lodging at Madrid—My Hostess—British Ambassador—Mendizabal—Baltasar—Duties of a National—Young
    Blood—The Execution—Population of Madrid—The Higher Orders—The Lower Classes—The Bull-fighter—The Crabbed Gitano
  13. Intrigues at Court—Quesada and Galiano—Dissolution of the Cortes—The Secretary—Aragonese Pertinacity—The Council of Trent—The Asturian—The Three—Thieves-Benedict Mol—The Men of Lucerne—The Treasure
  14. State of Spain—Isturitz—Revolution of the Granja—The Disturbance—Signs of Mischief—Newspaper Reporters—Quesada's Onslaught—The Closing Scene—Flight of the Moderados—The Coffee Bowl
  15. The Steamer—Cape Finisterre—The Storm—Arrival at Cadiz—The New Testament—Seville—Italica—The
    Amphitheatre—The Prisoners—The Encounter—Baron Taylor—The Street and Desert
  16. Departure for Cordova—Carmona—German Colonies—Language—The Sluggish Horse—Nocturnal Welcome—Carlist Landlord—Good Advice—Gomez—The Old Genoese—The Two Opinions
  17. Cordova-Moors of Barbary—The English—An Old Priest—The Roman Breviary—The Dovecote—The Holy
    Office—Judaism—Desecration of Dovecotes—The Innkeeper's Proposal
  18. Departure from Cordova—The Contrabandista—Jewish Cunning—Arrival at Madrid
  19. Arrival at Madrid—Maria Diaz—Printing of the Testament—My Project—Andalusian Steed—Servant wanted—An Application—Antonio Buchini—General Cordova—Principles of Honour
  20. Illness—Nocturnal Visit—A Master Mind—The Whisper—Salamanca—Irish Hospitality—Spanish Soldiers—The Scriptures advertised
  21. Departure from Salamanca—Reception at Pitiegua—The Dilemma—Sudden Inspiration—The Good Presbyter—Combat
    of Quadrupeds—-Irish Christians—Plains of Spain—The Catalans—The Fatal Pool—Valladolid—Circulation
    of the Scriptures—Philippine Missions—English College—A Conversation—The Gaoleress
  22. Duenas—Children of Egypt—Jockeyism—The Baggage—Pony—The Fall—Palencia—Carlist Priests—The Lookout—Priestly Sincerity—Leon—Antonio alarmed—Heat and Dust
  23. Astorga—The Inn—The Maragatos—Habits of the Maragatos—The Statue
  24. Departure from Astorga—The Venta—The By-path—Narrow Escape—The Cup of Water—Sun and Shade—'Bembibre—Convent of the Rocks—Sunset—Cacabelos—Midnight Adventure—Villafranca
  25. Villafranca—The Pass—Gallegan Simplicity—The Frontier Guard—The Horseshoe—Gallegan Peculiarities—A
    Word on Language—The Courier—Wretched Cabins—Host and Guests—Andalusians
  26. Lugo-The Baths-A Family History—Miguelets—The Three Heads—A Farrier—English Squadron—Sale of
    Testaments—Corunna—The Recognition—Luigi Piozzi—The Speculation—A Blank Prospect—John Moore
  27. Compostella—Rey Romero—The Treasure-seeker—Hopeful Project—The Church of Refuge—Hidden Riches—The
    Canon—Spirit of Localism—The Leper—Bones of Saint James
  28. Skippers of Padron—Caldas de los Reyes—Pontevedra—The Notary Public—Insane Barber—An Introduction—Gallegan Language—Afternoon Ride—Vigo—The Stranger—Jews of the Desert—Bay of Vigo—Sudden
    Interruption—The Governor
  29. Arrival at Padron—Projected Enterprise—The Alquilador—Breach of Promise—An Odd Companion—A Plain
    Story—Rugged Paths—The Desertion—The Pony—A Dialogue—Unpleasant Situation—The Estadea—Benighted—The Hut—The Traveller's Pillow
  30. Autumnal Morning—The World's End—Corcuvion—Duyo—The Cape—A Whale—The Outer Bay—The Arrest—The
    Fisher—Magistrate—Calros Rey—Hard of Belief—Where is your Passport?—The Beach—A Mighty Liberal—The Handmaid—The Grand Baintham—Eccentric Book—Hospitality
  31. Corunna—Crossing the Bay—Ferrol—The Dock-yard—Where are we now?—Greek Ambassador— Lantern Light—The Ravine—Viveiro—Evening—Marsh and Quagmire—Fair—Words and Fair Money—The Leathern Girth—Eyes of Lynx—The Knavish Guide
  32. Martin of Rivadeo—The Factious Mare—Asturians—Luarca—The Seven Bellotas—Hermits—The Asturian's
    Tale—Strange Guests—The Big Servant—Batuschca
  33. Oviedo—The Ten Gentlemen—The Swiss again—Modest Request—The Robbers—Episcopal Benevolence—The
    Cathedral—Portrait of Feijoo
  34. Departure from Oviedo—Villa Viciosa—The Young Man of the Inn—Antonio's Tale—The General and his Family—Woful Tidings—To-morrow we die—San Vicente—Santander—An Harangue—Flinter the Irishman
  35. Departure from Santander—The Night Alarm—The Black Pass
  36. State of Affairs at Madrid—The New Ministry—Pope of Rome—The Bookseller of Toledo—Sword-blades—Houses
    of Toledo—The Forlorn Gypsy—Proceedings at Madrid—Another Servant
  37. Euscarra—Basque not Irish—Sanscrit and Tartar Dialects—A Vowel Language—Popular Poetry—The Basques—Their Persons—Basque Women
  38. The Prohibition—Gospel persecuted—Charge of Sorcery—Ofalia
  39. The Two Gospels—The Alguazil—The Warrant—The Good Maria—The Arrest—Sent to Prison—Reflections—The Reception—The Prison Room—Redress demanded
  40. Ofalia—The Juez—Carcel de la Corte-Sunday in Prison—Robber Dress—Father and Son—Characteristic Behaviour—The Frenchman—Prison Allowance—Valley of the Shadow—Pure Castilian—Balseiro—The Cave—Robber Glory
  41. Maria Diaz—Priestly Vituperation—Antonio's Visit—Antonio at Service—A Scene—Benedict Mol—Wandering
    in Spain—The Four Evangelie
  42. Liberation from Prison—The Apology—Human Nature—The Greek's Return—Church of Rome—Light of Scripture—Archbishop of Toledo—An Interview-Stones of Price—A Resolution—The Foreign Language—Benedict's
    Farewell—Treasure Hunt at Compostella—Truth and Fiction
  43. Villa Seca—Moorish House—The Puchera—The Rustic Council—Polite Ceremonial—The Flower of Spain—The
    Bridge of Azeca—The Ruined Castle—Taking the Field—Demand for the Word—The Old Peasant—The Curate and Blacksmith—Cheapness of the Scriptures
  44. Aranjuez—A Warning—A Night Adventure—A Fresh Expedition—Segovia—Abades—Factious Curas—Lopez
    in Prison—Rescue of Lopez
  45. Return to Spain—Seville—A Hoary Persecutor—Manchegan Prophetess—Antonio's Dream
  46. Work of Distribution resumed—Adventure at Cobefia—Power of the Clergy—Rural Authorities—Fuente la
    Higuera—Victoriano's Mishap—Village Prison—The Rope—Antonio's Errand—Antonio at Mass
  47. Termination of our Rural Labours—Alarm of the Clergy—A New Experiment—Success at Madrid—Goblin-Algua—Staff of Office—The Corregidor—An Explanation—The Pope in England—New Testament expounded—Works of Luther
  48. Projected Journey—A Scene of Blood—The Friar—Seville—Beauties of Seville—Orange Trees and Flowers—Murillo—The Guardian Angel—Dionysius—My Coadjutors—Demand for the Bible
  49. The Solitary House—The Dehesa—Johannes Chrysostom—Manuel-Bookselling at Seville—Dionysius and the
    Priests—Athens and Rome—Proselytism-Seizure of Testaments—Departure from Seville
  50. Night on the Guadalquivir—Gospel Light—Bonanza—Strand of San Lucar—Andalusian Scenery—History of
    a Chest—Casas de los lngleses—The Two Gypsies—The Driver—The Red Nightcap—The Steam-Boat—Christian Language
  51. Cadiz—The Fortifications—The Consul-General—Characteristic Anecdote—Catalan Steamer—TrafalgarAlonzo
    Guzman—Gibil Muza-Orestes Frigate—The Hostile Lion—Works of the Creator—Lizard of the Rock—The Concourse—Queen of the Waters—Broken Prayer
  52. The Jolly Hosteler—Aspirants for Glory—A Portrait—Haméles—Solomons—An Expedition—The Yeoman
    Soldier—The Excavations—The Pull by the Skirt—Judah and his Father—Judah's Pilgrimage—The Bushy
    Beard—The False Moors—Judah and the King's Son—Premature Old Age
  53. Genoese Mariners—Saint Michael's Cave—Midnight Abysses—Young American—A Slave Proprietor—The
    Fairy Man—Infidelity
  54. Again on Board—The Strange Visage—The Haji—Setting Sail—The Two Jews—American Vessel—Tangier—Adun Oulem—The Struggle—The Forbidden Thing
  55. The Mole—The Two Moors—Djmah of Tangier-House of God—British Consul—Curious Spectacle—The
    Moorish House—Joanna Correa—Ave Maria
  56. The Mahasni—Sin Samani—The Bazaar—Moorish Saints—Sec the Ayana!—The Prickly Fig-Jewish Graves—The
    Place of Carcases—The Stable Boy—Horses of the Moslem—-Dar-dwag
  57. Strange Trio—The Mulatto—The Peace-offering—Moors of Granada—Vive la Guadeloupe—The Moors—Pascual Fava—Blind Algerine—The Retreat
  • Appendix
  • Glossary

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