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China From Within, or the Story of the Chinese Crisis, 2nd edn.
Stanley P. Smith [1861-1931]

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Book Description

China From Within, or the Story of the Chinese Crisis, 2nd edn.
Publication Year:
Marshall Brothers
Missions, China
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Stanley P. Smith [1861-1931], China From Within, or the Story of the Chinese Crisis, 2nd edn.


  • Preface
  1. Introduction
  2. The Emperor Kuang-Hsü and the Reform Movement
  3. The Reactionaries and Their Policy
  4. Imflammatory Edicts
  5. From the Second Coup D'État to Anarchy in Peking
  6. The Grand Council in the Palace
  7. The Power of Darkness
  8. The Shan-Si Massacres
  9. The Siege of Peking
  10. The Punishment of Peking
  11. The Causes of the Uprising
  12. Religion in China
  13. China's Need of True Religion
  14. Lady Missionaries in the Interrior of China
  15. Conclusion
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