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Christina Forsyth of Fingoland. The Story of the Loneliest Woman in Africa
William Pringle Livingstone [1860-1950]

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Book Description

Christina Forsyth of Fingoland. The Story of the Loneliest Woman in Africa
Publication Year:
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.
Christian Mission, South Africa, Biography, Christina Forsyth
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William Pringle Livingstone [1860-1950], Christina Forsyth of Fingoland. The Story of the Loneliest Woman in Africa


  • Introductory Note
  1. Early Lights and Shadows
    1. Artust or Missionary?
    2. A Love Mystery
    3. From Fife to South Africa
    4. A land of Blood and Superstitions
    5. Over the Veld to Paterson
    6. School and Kraal
    7. On the Edge of Rebellion
    8. Hail, Rain, Lightning
    9. The End of Her Romance
  2. The Heat and Burden of the Day
    1. In the Den of "Wolves"
    2. Adventures
    3. The Powers of Darkness
    4. The Siege of the Chief
    5. Persecution
    6. The Tyranny of Taki
    7. The Witch-Doctor's Fate
    8. A Nine-Days; Wonder
    9. The Greenock Gift
    10. Official Tributes
    11. An Experiment which failed
    12. A Fire and a Revival
    13. The Miracle of Ten Years
    14. Abdication
    15. The Doctor's Warning
    16. Visitors from Scotland
    17. A Bigger House of God
    18. Mr. Stewart's Pen-Picture
    19. The New Umfundisi and his sister
    20. Toiling and Rejoicing
    21. Personal Characteristic
    22. A Vision of Souls
  3. Eventide
    1. Completely shut in
    2. Her Independence
    3. The Shock of the War
    4. Sadness of Farewell
    5. Back to Civilisation
    6. Was it worth it?
    7. An Estimate from the Field
    8. Rest Time
  • Index
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