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Forty Years For Labrador
Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell [1865-1940]

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1934. Hbk. pp.365.

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Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell [1865-1940], Forty Years For Labrador


  1. On the Sands of Dee
  2. At Marlborough College
  3. Whitechapel and Wales
  4. 'The London'
  5. Off the Dogger Bank
  6. North of the Roaring Forties
  7. Labrador: The Country and the People
  8. The Quest of the Loaves and Fishes
  9. White Thunder
  10. St. Anthony
  11. Bunkers
  12. Residuary Legatee
  13. Open Sesame
  14. Who Hath Desired the Sea?
  15. Now It Can Be Told
  16. Adrift on a Pan of Ice
  17. In Double Harness
  18. The Sight of Salt Water Unbounded
  19. Light and Shade
  20. They That No Business in Great Waters
  21. New Ventures
  22. 'The Good Earth'
  23. Aesculapius
  24. Work as Medicine
  25. Labrador Takes a Glimpse at the Orient
  26. Honours
  27. Service on the Labrador
  28. Salaam

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