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The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission with Portraits and Map
Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937]

London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 1915. Hbk. pp.386.

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Marshall Broomhall [1866-1937], The Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission


Author's Preface


1. Early Missions in China
2. Hudson Taylor and His Call
3. Hudson Taylor's Early Experiences

The First Decade 1865-1875

4. The Birth of a Mission
5. Laying the Foundations
6. The Lammermuir Party
7. Settling Inland
8. An Enlarged Coast
9. The Yangchow Riot
10. The New Provinces
11. Troubled on Every Side
12. Faint Yet Pursuing
13. The Home Department
14. Waxing Strong in Faith

The Second Decade 1875-1885

15. The Appeal of the Eighteen
16. The Door Opened
17. Unto the Ends of the Earth
18. Pyrland Road
19. Pioneers in Women's Work
20. Blessings in Disguise
21. A Chinese Pioneer
22. Healing the Sick
23. Pioneer Work in Hunan
24. The Story of the Seventy

The Third Decade 1885-1895

25. "The Cambridge Seven"
26. Organisation and Expansion
27. The Kwangsin River
28. North America
29. To Every Creature
30. Australasia
31. Dividing the Field

The Fourth Decade 1895-1905

32. The Wrath of Man
33. Newington Green
34. The Chefoo Schools
35. The Opening of Hunan
36. Among the Tribes
37. The Bozer Crisis
38. Partakers of Afflictions of the Gospel
39. Rebuilding the Wall

The Fifth Decade 1905-1915

40. A Period of Transition
41. Mass Movements and Revival
42. Grace Abounding
43. To Earth's Remotiest Bounds
44. Institutional Work
45. Facts About Finance
46. The Mission From Within
47. The Revolution and After
48. The Missionary at Work
49. All Manner of Service
50. The Year of Jubilee


The Associate Minister
Chonological Summary

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