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Memoir of Thomas Burchell, twenty-two years a missionary in Jamaica

William Fitzer Burchell

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Book Description

Memoir of Thomas Burchell, twenty-two years a missionary in Jamaica
Publication Year:
B.L. Green
Christian Mission, Jamaica, Biography, Thomas Burchell
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Birth—Parentage—Education—Conversion—Baptism—Danger and deliverance—Promptitude of action
  2. First sermon—Illness—Mission thoughts—-Called by the church—Adopted by the Baptist Missionary Society—Enters Bristol college—State of mind—Attends the ordination of the Rev. J. Mack—Studies Arabic—Review of college life—Appointed to Jamaica—His ordination
  3. Jamaica, its moral condition—Commencement of mission—Proposal to Mr. Burchell—Marriage—Arrives at Montego Bay—Settlement—Church formed—First baptism—Persecution—Visits Kingston—Birth of a son
  4. Difficulties—Colonial opposition—Narrow escape—Visits Kingston—Baptism—Church formed at Flamstead—Discouragements from home—Success—Illness—Fresh openings—Sam and his fiddle
  5. Arrival in England—Tour through Cornwall—Domestic bereavement—Pleads for the Negro—Leaves for Jamaica—Consolidated slave law—Mission station at Falmouth—Failing health—Enlargement of chapel—Summoned before the magistrates—Association formed—Birth of a daughter—Fresh embarrassments
  6. New chapel opened—Dying Negro—Annoyances—Mr. Knibb's first visit—Association at Montego Bay—Public baptism—St, Ann's Bay and Ocho Rios—Salters' Hill—Arrival of new missionaries—Death of Mr. Mann—Mr. Knibb invited to Falmouth—Association—Gurney's Mount—Lucea and Green Island—Mr. Burchell returns to England
  7. Mr. Burchell's labours in England—Plan of church government adopted at Montego Bay—Charges of laxity of discipline—The admission to church membership of Thomas Williams
  8. Slavery, its origin and punishment—Mr. Burchell leaves England—Arrested on his arrival—-Insurrection—Opening of Salter's Hill chapel—-Martial Law—Missionaries arrested—Mr. Burchell a prisoner—Journal—Liberation—Second arrest—Imprisoned—Destruction of chapels—Escape on board ship
  9. Mr. Burchell lands at Baltimore—Visits New York and Rhode Island—Sails for England—Cholera on board—Arrival
  10. The abolition of slavery—Mr. Buxton's motion—-Letters from the church at Montego Bay—Mr. Burchell's engagements—Emancipation Act passed—Visits Ireland—Fund for rebuilding chapels—Valedictory meeting at the City of London Tavern
  11. Determined opposition of the planters to the freedom of the Negroes—Earl Mulgravo appointed governor of Jamaica—Religious services resumed—Mr. Vaughan—Services on the first of August—Mr. Burchell's departure for Jamaica—Anecdote of Matthews the Comedian—Arrival at Jamaica
  12. Distribution of the scriptures—New chapel at Montego Bay—Day school—Progress of mission—The apprenticeship system—Incident—State of the Bay church—Mission stations—Medical practice—Opening of Salter's Hill chapel—Arrival of Mr. Oughlon—Marquis of Sllgo—Visit of Messrs. Sturge and Harvey—Opening of Montego Bay chapel
  13. Native agency—Mr. Coultart—Release of apprentices—Anniversary of Montego Bay chapel—The apprenticeship system—First of August
  14. Conduct of the Negroes and their masters—Mrs. Hutchins—Association—Death of Mr. Andrews—Cry of planters—Sir Lionel Smith retires—Fire at Savannna-la--Mar—Illness of Mr. Burchell—Visits Kingston—Colonial laws—Marriage Act—Troubles—Jubilee
  15. Baptism of Mr. Burchell's daughter—Mr. Burchell resigns Montego Bay—Earthquakes—Trials—Death of Mr. Knibb—Mr. Burchell's illness—Leaves Jamaica for England—Letter to his flock—His last illness and death
  16. Mr. Burchell's character
  • Appendix
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