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Pearls of the Pacific. Being Sketches of Missionary Life and Work in Samoa and other Islands in the South Seas
Victor Arthur Barradale [1874-1947]

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Book Description

Pearls of the Pacific. Being Sketches of Missionary Life and Work in Samoa and other islands in the South Seas
Publication Year:
London Missionary Society
Christian Mission, Oceania, Samoa
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Victor Arthur Barradale [1874-1947], Pearls of the Southern Seas. Being Sketches of Missionary Life and Work in Samoa and other islands in the South Seas


  • Preface
  1. Samoa and Other Pearls
  2. The First Missionary Ships
  3. More Missionary Ships
  4. Samoa: As it Was
  5. Hoisting the Flag
  6. People, Houses and Food
  7. Play
  8. Climate, Clothing, Animals and Insects
  9. Seasons and Souls
  10. Trades and Employments
  11. Samoa: As it is—Home Life and Industries
  12. School Life
  13. The Malua Institution
  14. Churches
  15. Sunday Schools
  16. The Foreignh Mission Work of the South Seas Churches
  17. More Foreign Missionary Work
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