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Pioneering on the Congo, 2 Vols.
William Holman Bentley [1855-1905]

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Book Description

Pioneering on the Congo, 2 Vols.
Publication Year:
The Religious Tract Society
Christian Missions, Congo
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
William Holman Bentley [1855-1905], Pioneering on the Congo, 2 Vols.

Contents - Volume 1

  • Preface
  1. Ancient History: 1484-1670
  2. The Old Slaving Days: 1670-1877
  3. The Inception of the Mission: 1877-8
  4. Congo-wards: 1879
  5. The Establistment of the Mission: 1879
  6. Developments at San Salvador and Explorations Therefore: 1879-80
  7. The Congo Basin and its Inhabitants; The Kongo Language
  8. Religion: The Knowledge of God, and Fetishism
  9. The Opposition Outflanked; Stanley Pool reached: 1881
  10. Development of the New Route to the Upper River: 1881-2

Contents - Volume 2

  1. The Transport of the Peace to Stanley Pool: 1883
  2. Exploration of the Upper River: 1884-6
  3. New Stations on the Upper River: 1886-90
  4. Progress on the Upper River: 1890-9
  5. Development in the Cataract Region: 1887-99
  6. Other Missions on the Congo
  7. The Government of the Congo Free State


  • Congo Missionaries
  • The Lord's Prayer in Eight of the Kongo Languages and Dialects
  • Malarial Fever, its Genesis and Effect
  • Index
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