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Things as they are: Mission Work in Southern India
Amy Carmichael [1867-1951]

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Book Description

Things as they are: Mission Work in Southern India
Publication Year:
Morgan and Scott
Christian Mission, India, Medical Missions, Amy Carmichael
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Amy Carmichael [1867-1951], Things as they are: Mission Work in Southern India


  • Confirmatpry Notes
  • Preface
  1. About the Book
  2. Three Afternoons Off the Track
  3. Humdrum
  4. Correspondences
  5. The Prey of the Terrible
  6. Missed Ends
  7. "The Dust of The Actual"
  8. Roots
  9. The Classes and the Masses
  10. The Creed Chasm
  11. Caste Viewed as a Doer
  12. Petra
  13. Death by Disuse
  14. What Happened
  15. "Simply Murdered"
  16. Wanted, Volunteers
  17. If it is So Very Important
  18. The Call Intensified
  19. "Attracted by the Influence"
  20. The Elf
  21. Deified Devilry
  22. Behind the Door
  23. "Pan, Pan is Dead
  24. "Married to the God
  25. Skirting the Abyss
  26. From a Hindu Point of View
  27. Though Ye Know Him Not
  28. How Long?
  29. What Do We Count Them Worth
  30. Two Safe
  31. Three Objections
  32. "Show Me Thy Glory!"
  • Appendix. Some Indian Saints
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