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James Outram Fraser [1886–1938]

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Area of Ministry:

China | Myanmar (Burma)

Primary Works

Book or monograph James O. Fraser & Mary Eleanor Allbutt, The Prayer of Faith. London: China Inland Mission, Overseas Missionary Fellowship, [1958]. pp.30.

Secondary Works

Book or monograph Eileen Fraser Crossman, Mountain Rain. Singapore: OMF / Bromley, UK, 1984. pp.246.
Book or monograph Roxie Maud Fraser, Fraser and Prayer. A Memoir by Mrs. J. O. Fraser. London: China Inland Mission, [1964]. pp.48.
Book or monograph Isobel Kuhn [1901-1957], In the Arena. London:China Inland Mission, Overseas Missionary Fellowship, [1959]. pp.192.
Book or monograph Isobel Kuhn [1901-1957], Stones of Fire. Shaw Books (1994)
Book or monograph Isobel Kuhn [1901-1957], Ascent to the Tribes: Pioneering in North Thailand. Carlisle: OMF Books, 2000. pp.157.
Book or monograph Isobel Kuhn [1901-1957], Precious Things of the Lasting Hills, 2nd edn. London: OMF Books, 1977. pp.48.
Book or monograph Isobel Kuhn [1901-1957], Second Mile People. Sevenoaks: OMF, 1982. pp.154.
Book or monograph Isobel Kuhn [1901-1957], Nests Above the Abyss. Chicago: Moody Press, 1964. ISBN: 085363145X. pp.154.
Book or monograph Walter McConnell, J.O. Fraser and Church Growth among the Lisu of Southwest China. M.C.S. thesis: Regent College. (Microfiche from Theological Research Exchange Network.). (1987).
Book or monograph Gertrude Morse, The Dogs May Bark, but the Caravan Moves On. College Press, 1998.
On-line Resource Mrs Howard Taylor (aka. Mary Geraldine Guinness) [1865-1949], Behind the Ranges. Fraser of Lisuland S.W. China. London & Redhill: Lutterworth Press & China Inland Mission, n.d. Hbk. pp.253. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by kind permission of OMF International-UK]
Book or monograph Phyllis Thompson [1906-?], James Fraser and the King of the Lisu. London: China Inland Mission, 1956. pp.63.
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