Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Between the Desert and the Sea (with 16 paintings). London & Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd., n.d. Hbk. pp.63. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Challenge to Faith. Algiers Mission Band, n.d. pp.12. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Focussed. Algiers. Mission Band and North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.7. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], GUIDE pour ceux qui cherchent et pour ceux qui ont trouvé, pp.14. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Histoire de Trois Garçons Du Temps Passé. Algiers: Nile Misson Press, n.d. pp.15. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Life on Fire. Algiers. Mission Band and North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.12. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Parables of the Cross: Parables of the Christ Life, and Focused: A Story and a Song. London & Edinburgh: MaMrshall Brothers, [1900?]. |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A Ripened Life. Mission Band and the North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.8. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], "Les Sept Secrets du Chemin de Dieu". Der Naama, Algeria: Imprimie Minerva, n.d. pp.77. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], A South Land. Reprinted from Daughters of Syria. n.d. pp.12. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Smouldering. Algiers Mission Band and the North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.11. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Vibrations. Algiers. Mission Band and North Africa Mission, n.d. pp.14. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], The Way of the Sevenfold Secret, 2nd edn. Cairo & Jerusalem: Nile Mission Press, 1926, 1927. Pbk. pp.62. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
R.M. Piepgrass & Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], The Bedouin and His Camel. pp.4. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions. From Hudson Taylor to Present Day Africa. Oxford Sutherland, N.S.W.: Regnum in association with Lynx Communications; Albatross Books 1994. pp.428. |
Jocelyn Murray, "Trotter, Isabella Lilias," Gerald H. Anderson, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids, MI: Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans, 1988. Pbk. ISBN: 0802846807. pp.680. |
Jocelyn Murray, "Trotter, Isabella Lilias," A. Scott Moreau, ed., Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000. Hbk. ISBN: 0801020743. pp.971-972. |
Constance E. Padwick, The Master of the Impossible. Sayings for the Most Part in Parable, From the Letters and Journals of Lilias Trotter of Algiers. London: SPCK, 1938. Hbk. pp.220.
Constance E. Padwick [1886-1968], Lilias Trotter of Algiers. Bury St. Edmunds, n.d. Pbk. pp.28. |
Blanche Anne Frances Pigott [1849-1930], Isabella Lilias Trotter [1853-1928], Founder of the Algiers Mission Band. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, [1930]. Hbk. pp.245. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Patricia St. John [1919-1992]. Until the Day Breaks.OM Publishing, 1990. |
Isobel Rosie Govan Stewart [1900-1983], The Love That Was Stronger. Lilias Trotter of Algiers. London: Algiers Mission Band, 1958. Hbk. pp.96. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder AWM-Pioneers] |