Biography of Daniel Mtusu by Donald Fraser

5 years ago

This biography of Malawian Christian Daniel Mtusa was written by Donald Fraser, based on Mtusu's own account of his life.…

Massacre at Sianfu

5 years ago

This is an account of the experiences of members of the Scandinavian Alliance Mission of North America in China, during…

Crusader in Kashmir by Ernest F. Neve

5 years ago

A biography of Arthur Neve, medical missionary to Kashmir, written by his younger brother. My thanks to Redcliffe College for…

African Idylls by Donald Fraser

5 years ago

An account of the work of Donald Fraser, a notable missionary to Malawi. My thanks to the Cambridge Centre for…

History of the Presbyterian Mission to China and Formosa

5 years ago

This is a well-illustrated history of the work of the English Presbyterian mission in China and Formosa (now Taiwan). My…

Beyond the Pir Panjal by Ernest F. Neve

5 years ago

Dr Ernest Neve "...joined his brother, Arthur Neve, MD (1858-1919), at Srinagar, Kashmir in 1886, working at the Church Missionary…

Missionary Principles and Practice by Robert E. Speer

5 years ago

A handbook on missionary principles by the American Presbyterian missiologist Robert Elliott Speer [1867-1947]. My thanks to Redcliffe College for…

100 Years of Gospel Work Among the Telugu People of India

5 years ago

This is an account of the men and women who worked among the Telugu people of the Indian states of…

History of the Church in Armenia

5 years ago

This history of the church in Armenia was originally published in French. Malachia Ormanian [1841-1918], The Church of Armenia. Her…

Timothy Richard of China

5 years ago

Timothy Richard was born in Wales and was converted during the 1859-60 Revival. He responded to the call to overseas…