
Book of Jonah by Barclay Fowell Buxton

Barclay Fowell Buxton [1860-1946] was an Evangelical Anglican minister who played an important role in establishing missions to Japan, as well as in developing the missionary movement in the United Kingdom. After serving curacies in London and Cumberland, Buxton went to Japan in 1890 with the Church Missionary Society where he was joined by Paget Wilkes in 1897. Buxton and WIlkes launched the Japan Evangelistic Band at the Keswick Convention in 1903.

Buxton married Margaret Maria Amelia Railton, daughter of William Railton, in 1886. They had four children, a daughter Rachel Jane, Godfrey Buxton crippled by a war injury who set up the All Nations missionary training college and succeeded his father at the JEB, Murray Barclay Buxton, and Alfred Barclay Buxton, who joined CT Studd in the Congo and married one of CT’s daughters, Edith, and then served as a missionary in Abyssinia. Both Alfred and Murray died together at Church House, Westminster during the London bombings of 1940.

He was an uncle of Arthur Buxton (1882–1958), Chaplain to the Forces and Rector of All Souls Church, Langham Place, Marylebone.


Barclay F. Buxton’s Great Aunt was the prison and social reformer, Elizabeth Fry [1780-1845].

All Nations Christian College

All Nations Christian College continues to prepare women and men for overseas missions on the Buxton Estate in Easneye, Hertfordshire. It is now the largest missionary training College in Western Europe. Click here to read my interview with Dr Mark Galpin, head of Postgraduate Studies at All Nations.

The Japan Evangelistic Band has become Japan Christian Link.

I came across this extremely rare copy of Barclay F. Buxton’s short commentary on Jonah at Book Aid last week. My thanks to them for allowing me to scan this public domain booklet and place it online.

Barclay Fowell Buxton [1860-1946], The Book of Jonah. London: Japan Evangelistic Band, 1930. Pbk. pp.53. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]


  1. Jonah—-an historical person—Jonah’s commission—A convenient ship—The Lord steps in—A mighty tempest—God points him out
  2. “Jonah prayed”—Jonah and the prodigal—Experiences like Jonah’s—Jonah’s prayer—Assurance that prayer is heard—Out of God’s sight—Looking to God’s abode—His hopeless condition—He remembers God—He had followed a lying voice—A sacrifice for sin—The confession of faith—In prayer he finds the way out
  3. A second call—God’s test—A God-given message—”So Jonah went”—Jonah in Nineveh-Jonah a sign-The preaching of coming woe—Faith and sackcloth—Turning from evil ways
  4. Nineveh saved—The preacher, wrong in soul—Jonah’s creed—God’s question—Jonah gives up preaching—Watch God’s work—God’s care—His shallow emotions—The worm and the wind—Babies and cattle—Jonah’s mouth stopped

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