Progress of Missions in the Hundred Years After Carey

Although Delavan Leonard’s history of missions covers early church and medieval missions, his primary focus is in “The Great Century” following William Carey. He provides an overview of progress of the Great Commission by Continent as well as a chapter of work still to be done. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing me with…

Flaming Torch in Darkest Africa by Bishop William Taylor

William Taylor [1821-1902] was missionary bishop of Africa from 1884 to 1896. This book attempts to provide a history of Africa from earliest times until the end of the Nineteenth Century. It includes a description of the exploratory work of David Livingstone, native religions and the progress of missionary work in the Nineteenth Century. There…

Livingstone and the Exploration of Central Africa

David Livingstone [1813-1873], pioneer medical missionary and explorer is probably the best known of Victorian missionaries. This biography is a “cheap edition” of a volume that originally appeared as part of a series about the world’s greatest explorers and was republished in this format to mark the centenary of Livingstone’s birth. My thanks to Redcliffe…