Three George Müller Biographies Online

Three George Müller Biographies Online

Harold Rowdon notes that George Müller’s… …significance for world mission begins with his philanthropy. His Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad (SKI, 1834) was designed to support the “spread of the gospel” by raising money for schools for children and adults, distributing Scriptures and Christian literature, supporting missionaries “whose proceedings appear to be most…

History of the Baptist Church in Wales, 1650-1790

History of the Baptist Church in Wales, 1650-1790

Today’s free book is an extremely rare history of the Baptist church in Wales, covering the period 1650-1790. This public domain title was digitised from the copy held in archive of Spurgeon’s College library. Joshua Thomas [1719-1797], A History of the the Baptist Association in Wales, from the Year 1650 to the Year 1790, Shewing…