William Pierce on the Claims of Foreign Missions

William Pierce [1853-1928], The Dominion of Christ. The Claims of Foreign Missions in the Light of Modern Religious Thought and a Century of ExperienceWilliam Pierce [1853-1928] offers some encouraging observations on missions on the occasion of the Centenary of the London Missionary Society. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a copy of the book for scanning. This title is in the public domain.

William Pierce [1853-1928], The Dominion of Christ. The Claims of Foreign Missions in the Light of Modern Religious Thought and a Century of Experience. London: H.R. Allenson, 1895. Pbk. pp.226. [Click to download complete book in PDF]


  1. The Dominion of Christ
  2. Patriotisn and Missions
  3. The Saviour of the World
  4. The Vocation of the Missionary
  5. Women as Missionaries
  6. The Beckoning Vision
  7. The Place of Education as a Missionary Agency
  8. The Relation of the Church to the Work of Foreign Missions
  9. Foreign Missions and Christian Life and Thought
  10. Physician and Evangelist
  11. Forward!


The following discourses have been published as a contribution to the Centenary Celebrations of the London Missionary Society. It need hardly be said that they claim no official authority. The views offered on some moot points presume to be no more than those of an independent observer. But they are avowedly presented as the thoughts of one whose love for the work of the L. M. S., and reverence for its missionaries and workers, is too deep for public utterance in a printed page. Offered primarily for the kind consideration of the ministers and members of the Congregational Churches, it is hoped that the body of the work may supply some arguments and reflections which shall stimulate and encourage all who love the appearing of the Lord, and are striving to extend His dominion in the earth. [Continue reading]

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