Robert and Louisa Stewart, Missionaries to China

Robert & Louisa Stewart served in China’s Fujian province with the Church Missionary Society (C.M.S.), where they developed a number of innovative evangelistic techniques. … Using Christian materials as a major part of the curriculum in day schools for boys and girls, education became their major means for establishing indigenous churches. The employment of single…

Misi by Rev. Oscar Michelsen

Oscar Michelsen [1844-1936] was a Norwegian pioneer missionary in the islands of the New Hebrides (now Vanuata) in the Pacific Ocean. In this book he tells the story of his work there, which led to the transformation of the islands. My thanks to Redcliffe College for making a copy of this public domain title available…

History of the Free Baptist India Mission

This history of the Free Baptist India Mission was published by the Free Baptist Women’s Missionary Society in Boston, Massachusetts in 1886. A sizable part previously appeared in this Society’s journal, the Missionary Helper. In April 1916 in merged with two other groups (Home Mission, and Foreign Mission) to become the Woman’s Baptist Mission Society….