Christine Isabel Tinling’s Budget From Barbary

This little book contains twelve letters about missionary work in “Barbary” – modern day Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. This copy originally formed part of the North Africa Mission library in Rabat. Yorkshire-born Christine Tinling [1867-1943] was a missionary with the  Women’s Christian Temperance Union was the author of numerous books on missions and also…

Life of William Percival Johnson Archdeacon of Nyasa

William Percival Johnson [1854-1928] was a missionary of the Anglo-Catholic Universities’ Mission to Central Africa. He was know as the “Apostle of the Lake” [Lake Nyasa] in what is now Malawi. He opposed the unnecessary imposition of European culture in Africa. This short biography of Johnson is in the Public Domain. Dora Yarnton Mills [1859-?],…

Century of Baptist Missions

A Century of Baptist Missions offers a summary of the work of American Baptist Missions from their foundation up to around 1890. It covers their work in Burma (Myanmar), India, China, Japan, Africa, Brazil, Cuba, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Spain and Turkey. This book is in the Public Domain. Sophie Bronson Titterington [1846-?],…