A New Era for India’s Outcastes

The Outcastes, or Dalits as they are now known, are excluded from the Hindu caste system. The terms “Untouchable” and “Scheduled Castes”  refer to the same people group. This book describes the work of God among the Dalits that has swept thousands of them into the Kingdom of God. W.S. Hunt, India’s Outcastes: A New…

Mary Slessor by Cuthbert McEvoy

Mary Slessor was recently featured in an on-line list of  six inspiring Christian missionaries, so I thought I would take a brief break from uploading CMS books to include this slim volume: Cuthbert McEvoy [1870-1944], Mary Slessor, 6th edn. London: The Carey Press, n.d. Pbk. pp.63. Click to download complete book in PDF. Mary Slessor served…

Roland Bateman, Missionary Bible Translator in the Punjab

Roland Bateman [1860-1916] served as a Bible translator in the Punjab. This book, written by a close friend in the Indian Civil Service, tells the story of his life and work. R. Maconachie, Rowland Bateman. Nineteenth Century Apostle. London: Church Missionary Society, 1917. Hbk. pp.208. [Click to download in PDF] Reproduced by kind permission of the Church…