Story of the China Inland Mission by Geraldine Guinness

Today’s free download is the two-volume Story of the China Inland Mission by Hudson Taylor’s daughter-in-law, Geraldine Guinness. My thanks to the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide for making this public domain set available for digitisation. Mrs Howard Taylor (aka. Mary Geraldine Guinness [1865-1949], The Story of the China Inland Mission, with an Introduction by…

Whitfield Guinness of Honan, China

Today’s free book is a biography of G. Whitfield Guinness, who for thirty years served as a medical missionary in the province of Honan with the China Inland Mission. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation. Mrs Howard Taylor (aka. Mary Geraldine Guinness [1865-1949], Guinness…