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Countries in Europe

Czech Republic

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Associated Missionaries:


On-line Resource Charles Thomas Byford [1872-1948], Peasants and ProphetsCharles Thomas Byford [1872-1948], Peasants and Prophets (Baptist Pioneers in Russia and South Eastern Europe), 2nd edn. London: James Clarke / The Kingsgate Press, 1911, 1912. Pbk. pp.153. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]  

Associated Missionaries:


Book or monograph Stanislav Balík, 'Christianizace z českých zemí, především ve druhé polovině 20. století [Christianization from the Czech Lands, Especially in the Second Half of 20th Century]' in 2011 Christianizace českých zemí ve středoevropské perspektivě [Christianization from the Czech Lands in the Central European Perspective] Matice moravská, 2011.
On-line Resource Charles Thomas Byford [1872-1948], Peasants and ProphetsCharles Thomas Byford [1872-1948], Peasants and Prophets (Baptist Pioneers in Russia and South Eastern Europe), 2nd edn. London: James Clarke / The Kingsgate Press, 1911, 1912. Pbk. pp.153. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Pavel Černý, "Praxe dialogu křesťanů s příslušníky jiných náboženství [Practice of Christians' Dialogue with Members of Other Religions]" in K Taschner & P Hošek eds. 2004 Křesťané a jiná náboženství [Christians and Other Religions] Evangelikální fórum: sborník evangelikálních teologů Praha: SET, 2004. pp.137-151
Article in Journal or Book Pavel Černý, "Mission of the Contemporary Church: A Meditation on the Missionary Practice of the Gospel in the Secular Environment of the Czech Republic," Central European Missiological Forum, 2011. pp.48-54.
Article in Journal or Book Pavel Černý, "Vztah teologie a misiologie: Misijní hermeneutika [Relationship of Theology and Missiology: Mission Hermeneutics]" 2011.
Book or monograph Josef Dolista, Misijní úsilí církve [Mission Effort of the Church] Kostelní Vydří: Karmelitánské nakladatelství. 2001.
Book or monograph Dan Drápal, Will We Survive Western Missionaries?: Reflections of a Czech Pastor on Meeting the Western Missionaries, 2nd edn Praha: Ampelos, 1997.
Book or monograph Daniel Fajfr, "A Critical and Evaluative Study of the Roles and Partnership of Expatriate Christian Workers and Czech Evangelicals." MA Thesis, Prague: International Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005.
On-line Resource Joseph Edward Hutton [1838-1937], A History of the Moravian Church, 2nd ednJoseph Edward Hutton [1838-1937], A History of the Moravian Church, 2nd edn. London: Moravian Publication Office, 1909. Hbk. pp.520. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph David Novák, "A Critical Examination of Mission in Czech Evangelical Churches: Context, Reality, Roots, and Vision." A dissertation submitted to the University of Wales in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Theology In Contextual Missiology. Prague: International Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004.

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