
First Twelve Years of BCMS Burma Mission

A.T. Houghton [1896-1993], Dense Jungle Green. The First Twelve Years of the B.C.M.S. Burma MissionThis is an account of the beginnings of the Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society (B.C.M.S.) work in Burma. B.C.M.S. became Crosslinks in 1992. My thanks to Crosslinks and to Rev. A.T. Houghton’s family for their kind  permission to place this book on-line, and to Redcliffe College for providing a copy to scan. This book is copyright Crosslinks.

A.T. Houghton [1896-1993], Dense Jungle Green. The First Twelve Years of the B.C.M.S. Burma Mission. London: Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society, 1937. Hbk. pp.255. [Click to download complete book in PDF]


Author’s Notes

  1. How it Came About
  2. History and Geography
  3. The Progress of the Pioneers
  4. Early Days
  5. Mountain and Plain
  6. Problems of Race and Language
  7. A Courageous Couple
  8. We Tackle Other Races
  9. The Town of the Ogre
  10. Advancing Northwards
  11. By the Lakeside
  12. Interlude, and a Venture in Reorganisation
  13. Gains and Losses
  14. A Notorious Slave Centre
  15. The Source of the World’s Jade
  16. A New Venture by the Sea
  17. “The Place Where the Tiger Roared”
  18. How We Get About
  19. How We Live
  20. Living Epistles
  21. Our Bit
  22. “We Have Left Undone”

Roll of Missionaries

Foreword By Rear-Admiral Sir Harry H. Stileman, K.B.E.

I accept with pleasure the invitation of the author of Dense Jungle Green to write this Foreword, seeing I  have a very close and intimate touch with the B.C.M.S. Mission in Burma, through the link of family ties, and personal acquaintance with every member of the mission staff, except my grand-daughter, born in the Hukawng valley last autumn.

I have watched the growth and development of the mission with prayerful interest and attention ever since its inception, and rejoice in the remarkable results attained.

The method of pure evangelism in contradistinction to excessive institutionalism is the plan upon which this Mission has worked: every missionary first and foremost an evangelist; and, coupled with that, an absolute reliance upon the Word of God to do the work that the Holy Spirit intends, of convicting and converting. [Continue reading]

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    1. Hi Bob, Sorry I can’t provide technical support. The files are downloading correctly from my server. Try seeking help from someone locally. Yours in Christ, Rob

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