Biography of Hudson Taylor by Marshall Broomhall

Marshall Broomhall was the nephew of Hudson Taylor and served as General Secretary for the China Inland Mission. He was therefore well qualified to write a brief but authoritative biography of the Mission’s founder. My thanks to the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide for providing a copy of this book for digitisation. This title is…

William Irvine’s Missionary Work Among the Lepers of India

William Carleton Irvine [1871-1946] was a New Zealand missionary who was “founding editor of the Indian Christian magazine and superintendent of Belgaum Leprosy Hospital at Hindalga for 25 years” [Wikipedia]. This books tells the story of his work there. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a copy of this book for digitisation. This title…

Sketches of Missionary Life in South India in the 19th Century

Struggle For a Soul presents a series of accounts by Edyth Hinkley [1865-1932] and Marie L. Christlieb [1868-1946] which took place on a small mission station in South India. My thanks to Redcliffe College for providing a copy of this book for digitisation. This title is in the public domain. Edyth Hinkley [1865-1932] & Marie…

History of Christian Egypt from 1st Century to the Dawn of 20th

Montague Fowler provides us with a comprehensive account of the development of Christian Egypt. He includes not only accounts of individual denominations, but also various missionary organisations, such as the North Africa Mission and the Egypt Mission Band. My thanks to the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide for providing a copy of this book for…