Updated Bibliography for William Knibb, Missionary and Anti-slavery Campaigner, with material previously unavailable online

Updated Bibliography for William Knibb, Missionary and Anti-slavery Campaigner, with material previously unavailable online

I recently launched a Go Fund Me campaign for overhead scanning equipment. Thanks to the generosity of my supporters, I have now been able pay for part of this equipment which allows me to digitise older material that cannot be done on a flatbed scanner. This YouTube video by Klaus Frankfurt shows how the method…

Apostles of India by J N Ogilvie

Apostles of India by J N Ogilvie

Today’s free book is James Nicoll Ogilvie’s 1915 Baird Lecture series on the Apostles of India, which surveys some of the key foreign missionaries who have served in that country. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available digitisation. James Nicoll Ogilvie [1860-1926], The Apostles of India. The…

Biography of James Hudson Taylor

Biography of James Hudson Taylor

Today’s free book is a biography of James Hudson Taylor, the missionary pioneer and founder of the China Inland Mission, written by his son and daughter-in-law. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation. Frederick Howard Taylor [1862-1946] & Mrs Howard Taylor (aka. Mary Geraldine Guinness)…

Alfred Saker – a Biography by E B Underhill

Alfred Saker – a Biography by E B Underhill

Today’s free book is a biography of Baptist missionary to Cameroon, Alfred Saker. This public domain title was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library. Edward Bean Underhill [1813-1901], Alfred Saker. Missionary Africa. A Biography. London: The Carey Kingsgate Press, 1884, 1958. Hbk. pp.168. [Click here to visit the download page for this…